Il quadro epistemico del lavoro cognitivo tipico del capitalismo postfordista

World Economic ForumOk, il titolo non c’entra nulla: serve a portare il discorso su livelli più alti, che quelli di Quintostato – senza la citazione di un economista qualsiasi, un filosofo a caso o di Manuel Castells nello specifico – mi si annoiano.

Beh, che quanto detto nel corso di un incontro sui blog al World Economic Forum di Davos cozzi platealmente con ciò che, da tempo, va sostenendo Carlo Formenti vorrà pur dire qualcosa, giusto? Tipo anche, non so: che Dio ha il senso dell’umorismo?

One guy from Business Week was particularly outraged about the whole thing. He waxed eloquent about the importance of the news “filter” (in my day we called it the gatekeeper function) as mankind’s last best defense against the barbarian hordes. I felt like I was listening to a buggy whip manufacturer, circa 1910, talking about the growing threat of the automobile.
Actually, there was a time when I probably would have agreed with the guy — back when I was on his side of the fence and thought journalists played a valuable watchdog role. But after watching the steady deterioration of the profession over the past ten years or so, I have no patience for such self-serving crap. Yeah, there’s a lot of misinformation and just plain nonsense on the web, but a mass media that gives us Bill O’Reilly and Michael Savage on a regular basis, and that devotes more coverage to Michael Jackson‘s legal problems than the Iraq War, isn’t in a position to lecture anyone about standards. The truth is that the blogs are getting better and better, and the mass media is getting worse and worse. If the credibility lines haven’t crossed yet they soon will.

(tratto da Wiskey Bar, grazie a Gaspar Torriero)
Prossime puntate: “Il quadro cognitivo del lavoro postfordista tipico del capitalismo epistemico” e “Il quadro postfordista del lavoro epistemico tipico del capitalismo cognitivo”.
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1 Commento

  1. Sapete che al Forum di Davos noi blogger siamo stati citati come “i “futuri produttori dell’editoria mediatica, dei veri e propri editori commerciali”?

    E non stappiamo neppure un prosecchino?

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