![]() 1946-2006 |
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze. Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine! |
(Visited 90 times, 1 visits today)
![]() 1946-2006 |
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze. Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine! |
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How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year,
running over the same old ground. What have we found?
The same old fears,
wish you were here
If I were a swan, I’d be gone.
If I were a train, I’d be late.
And if I were a good man, I’d talk with you more often than I do.
If I were to sleep, I could dream.
If I were afraid, I could hide.
If I go insane, please don’t put your wires in my brain.
If I were the moon, I’d be cool.
If I were a book, I would bend.
If I were a good man, I’d understand the spaces between friends.
If I were alone, I would cry.
And if I were with you, I’d be home and dry.
And if I go insane, will you still let me join in with the game?
If I were a swan, I’d be gone.
If I were a train, I’d be late again.
If I were a good man, I’d talk to you more often than I do.
un grandissimo…
Checco faruomo / vogalonga nesistenza/
lista dei verbi / con la desi-nenza
don nicolino non / è un pancarrè
e gioca a morra col bidet
It’s awfully considerate of you to think of me here
And I’m almost obliged to you for making it clear
That I’m not here
And I never knew the moon could be so big
And I never knew the moon could be so blue
And I’m grateful that you threw away my old shoes
And brought me here instead dressed in red
And I’m wondering who could be writing this song
I don’t care if the sun don’t shine
And I don’t care if nothing is mine
And I don’t care if I’m nervous with you
I’ll do my loving in the winter
And the sea isn’t green
And I love the queen
And what exactly is a dream
And what exactly is a joke
Non direi che sia il post che i commenti stiano aiutando molto uno come me, che non conosce bene il personaggio in questione. Ho capito che vi piace, che era un grande, ma qualcosina da dire oltre che incollare testi ce l’avete?
Siamo una squadra fortissimi / Fatta di gente fantastici /
E nun putim’ perd’ / E fà ‘a figur’ e’ merd.
x dario: sei su internet, fatti un giro e approfondisci, no? per iniziare, vai su repubblica, cerca il blog di ernesto assante, e leggiti la storia di syd barrett. per continuare sul serio: il primo disco dei pink floyd (the piper at the gates of dawn), capolavoro originalissimo, praticamente opera quasi esculsiva di syd barrett, e poi: the madcap laughs, barrett, opel. tre dischi solisti, l’ultimo postumo, bellissimi ma non per tutti, diciamo. o almeno, ci vuole un po’ di tempo per apprezzarli in pieno.
per quanto mi riguarda, aveva più talento lui degli altri 4 pink floyd messi insieme.
Lo dicevo che questo governo portava una sfiga della madonna.
Adios Syd
Many artists have acknowledged Barrett’s influence on their work. Paul McCartney and Pete Townshend were early fans; Jimmy Page, David Bowie, Brian Eno, and The Damned all expressed interest in working with him at some point during the 1970s. In fact, Bowie recorded a cover of “See Emily Play” on his 1973 album Pin Ups. On a VH1 program, honoring rock bands and artists, Pete Townshend gave a speech honoring Syd Barrett, and telling a story where he told Eric Clapton that he had to come see this guy play, who was Barrett. Townshend called Barrett legendary. Syd was one of Townshend’s many influences, along with John Lee Hooker, Bo Diddley and even Joe Walsh. Syd as guitarist was remarkable for his free-form style in playing chords (and not the echo, the tapes or the effects); his rhythmic guitar, as well as his minimalist and dissonant solos, can be seen as the main influence on punk, post-punk and grunge guitarists, and still is the main influence on indie bands as of today. No other guitarist of his generation could claim this.
Other artists/bands that have claimed influence and/or covered Barrett’s work include Étienne Daho, This Mortal Coil, Marc Bolan, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Robert Smith (of The Cure), Johnny Marr (formerly of The Smiths), Kevin Shields (of My Bloody Valentine), Primal Scream, Voivod (band), The Libertines, Dirty Pretty Things, The Beta Band, Lone Pigeon, Julian Cope, Robyn Hitchcock, The Flaming Lips, REM, Mercury Rev, Replicants (featuring former members of Tool and Failure), East Bay Ray (of the Dead Kennedys), Camper Van Beethoven, Voivod, The Three O’Clock, Pearl Jam, Love and Rockets, Elevator To Hell, The Melvins, Transatlantic, Phish, Dream Theater, Graham Coxon (formerly of Blur), John Frusciante (of the Red Hot Chili Peppers), Eppo, Skobot Bzzzz, and the Vinyl Skyway.
[Fonte: Wikipedia]
Commentando “Shine on you crazy diamond” Barrett disse ai Pink Floyd: “Mi sembra un po’ datata, che dite?”
Syd Barret lasciò i Pink Floyd dopo soli due album (ma solo il primo era composto esclusivamente da lui) e si rintanò in un isolamento durato trent’anni. Non era morto ma per il mondo là fuori era come se lo fosse. O forse era il mondo ad essere morto rispetto a lui.
La morte di Syd Barrett non è una “enorme perdita per il mondo della musica”, ché l’uomo a detto mondo non aveva più niente da dare da trentacinque anni.
Per me e per i suoi tantissimi ammiratori è invece un lutto immenso, perché era semplicemente un genio, uno dei pochi che la musica pop l’ha cambiata veramente e radicalmente, andando dietro solo a sè stesso (tant’è che gli altri faticavano a stargli dietro). Un gigantesco innovatore, uno che con un disco solo (Piper) ha fatto dieci volte tanto (in termini diciamo artistici) quel che han fatto i Pink Floyd con tutta la loro discografia e la maggior parte dei gruppi degli anni Settanta, senza voler nulla togliere agli uni e agli altri.
Un talento naturale incontrollato e irresponsabile – un genio, appunto.
Scusare le ripetizioni di “dietro”, plìz.
E’ l’emozione, anzi, il profondo cordoglio.
“Quando durante la registrazione di “Wish You Were Here” un Barrett ingrassato e pelato si presentò negli studi reggendo fermo uno spazzolino da denti e saltando su e giù per strofinarseli, Roger Waters lo riconobbe e iniziò a piangere”.
(a braccio da Il Foglio di qualche giorno fa)
x the petunias, mi dispiace ma hai detto una gran ca**ata, i pink floyd hanno poco e niente da spartire con il pop e poi io preferisco l’era roger waters
Syd Barrett RIP
Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett
January 6, 1946 – July 7, 2006
La Repubblica – il Corriere della Sera – The Guardian – SydBarrett.org/guestbook – BBC News – il Manifesto – l\’Unità – AntennaUnoRockStation – Music…