Déjà Vu

C’è qualcosa di strano nell’acqua…


…e ha un sapore familiare.


The result: Six of the 31 new fall series on the regular networks deal with some sort of ghostly-monster-sci-fi phenomenon. CBS has two – Ghost Whisperer and Threshold. So does ABC, which has programmed Invasion and The Night Stalker. NBC‘s entry is Surface, while the WB has Supernatural.

E, se guardi bene, le periferie…

Close to Home

…sembrano tutte uguali.

desperate Housewives

Close to Home (9 p.m. Tuesday, premieres Oct. 4). After a season of Desperate Housewives, we are well aware that suburbia can be anything but peaceful. This new crime drama from the Jerry Bruckheimer fiction factory concentrates on a young prosecutor (Jennifer Finnigan) who combines her homemaking chores with a desire and ability to prosecute suburban criminals.
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