Poi uno dice le manie di protagonismo dei giudici italiani

Il giudice Deborah Servitto di Macomb County, Michigan, ha declamato una sentenza-rap di assoluzione a conclusione del processo seguito alla causa per diffamazione intentata contro Eminem da Deangelo Bailey, citato dal rapper nella canzone “Brain Damage”, dall’LP “The Slim Shady”.
Il testo della sentenza:

Mr. Bailey complains that his rep is trash
So he’s seeking compensation in the form of cash.
Bailey thinks he’s entitled to some monetary gain
Because Eminem used his name in vain.
Eminem says Bailey used to throw him around
Beat him up in the john, shoved his face in the ground.
Eminem contends that his rap is protected
By the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Eminem maintains that the story is true
And that Bailey beat him black and blue.
In the alternative he states that the story is phony
And a reasonable person would think it’s baloney.
The court must always balance the rights
Of a defendant and one placed in a false light.
If the plaintiff presents no question of fact
To dismiss is the only acceptable act.
If the language used is anything but pleasin’
It must be highly objectionable to a person of reason.
Even if objectionable and causing offense
Self-help is the first line of defense.
Yet when Bailey actually spoke to the press
what do you think he didn’t address?
Those false-light charges that so disturbed
Prompted from Bailey not a single word.
So highly objectionable, it could not be
Bailey was happy to hear his name on a CD.
Bailey also admitted he was a bully in youth
Which makes what Marshall said substantial truth.
This doctrine is a defense well known
And renders Bailey‘s case substantially blown.
The lyrics are stories no one would take as fact
They’re an exaggeration of a childish act.
Any reasonable person could clearly see
That the lyrics could only be hyperbole.
It is therefore this court’s ultimate position
That Eminem is entitled to summary disposition.
(Visited 114 times, 1 visits today)

7 Commenti

  1. …forse si legge “iperbolì”. Ma non ci credo che l’ha composta il giudice, l’avrà scritta eminem, dai.

  2. Non ci azzecca nulla ma colgo la palla al balzo per chiedere, per caso, a Neri o a chi e’ in ascolto, se mi sapesse dire come fare a far funzionare il plug-in Columnize di Movable per dividere un articolo su + colonne! Grazie!

  3. Vabbe’ nessuno che mi abbia risposto e vuoi il poco tempo che ho avuto, vuoi che non ho ancora capito come fare non riesco a fare il multicolonna!! Pazienza! Grazie lo stesso! Se qualcuno passa di qui e legge e lo sa e mi da una dritta gliene saro’ grato! Grazie!

  4. Grazie Gianluca per la risposta, speravo lo usassi! Pazienza! Chiedo scusa se ho approfittato dello spazio e ne approfitto ancora per chiedere ad altri che usano Movable se sanno come si fa. Grazie ancora!

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